Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday Favorites Birthday Edition

The last couple of weeks we have been celebrating quite a few birthdays!!

We showered these three with gifts, a taco bar, and lots of swimming!

My big girl swimming in the deep end! #soproudofher

Just a little bit of action...

And some selfies...

My girl even jumped off the side!

While bubba did what he does best!

We also celebrated sweet Cruz's 3rd birthday!

Aren't these cookies the cutest?!

Happy Birthday Cruzy! Your momma and I are still planning this arranged marriage;)


Thursday, July 21, 2016

Walker William - 3 Months

So I finally figured out how to get my pics off my phone! #stupidsoftwareupdate

Walker William was 3 months! (7.17.16)

Bubba has grown so much this month! He is smiling away and started to "talk" back to you when you talk to him. He is VERY spoiled! I didn't think I really held him that much while I was off, but apparently he got used to being held for his daytime naps #oops #nowgigihastoholdhim He is as sweet as can be and loves anyone who gives him attention! Here are a few favorites from this month.


His first time at the park

The second child learns how to nap anywhere!

First night in his crib

I seriously can not get enough of this face!

Happy Boy:)

Tummy Time

And then he found his thumb...

He loves his sissy so much and smiles everytime she talks to him!

well...most of the time!

Still loves that swing.

Happy 3 months to my little wild man!

We love you so much!

Here are a few more randoms:

Eating: nursing
Sleeping: July 9th was your first night in your crib, and you are sleeping great! Usually from 9-:5:30 or 6:30. Naps are a different story. Either you love being held during the day, or you can't sleep because sissy is SO LOUD!  
Diapers: size 1
Clothes: mostly 6 months
Milestones/Firsts: starting to talk back to us, and sucked your thumb for the first time on June 30th. Walker was also dedicated on July 10th!


Saturday, July 16, 2016

Walker's Dedication

We dedicated Walker to the Lord last Sunday! It was a very special day, and our prayer is that we train up Walker and Brooke in the way of the Lord. Here are a few pictures from our day!

The family

And because we have an awesome fireplace backdrop now...


I adore this sweet boy!

Blurry... but the best we could get


Friday, July 8, 2016

Friday Favorites

Just a few favorites around here!

When your texting your best friend... She is a FAVORITE!

Just the hubs and I on a walk was a FAVORITE this week!

T-25 with the sister-in-law will be a FAVORITE when our #beachbodies get in check! #garmanvaca2017 #wewillbereadyforyou

These two will always and forever be my FAVORITE!


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Independence Weekend!

What a long fun weekend celebrating the 4th of July. It rained all day Sunday and Monday, so we made the most of it on Friday and Saturday!

Two hands up for Red, White and Blue!

We started Friday with puzzle mania before daddy got home!


Our church has a huge Independence Celebration, so we joined in on the fun!

Brooke and her friend Zeva!

B and her daddy.

The rodeo was a big hit! Brooke wanted to watch the whole thing!

We ended the night with fireworks and glow necklaces!

Saturday our friends came over and we ordered pizza and had s'mores!

Silly string was a big hit!

The joy a $1 brings!

We finally put our fireplace to the test!

The girls loved eating the s'mores they made!

Sunday I caught the cutest moment with Walk and B! She is in love with him and he is always watching her every move!


Monday morning we played inside (rain rain go away...)

You know you have been to the doctor too much lately when she knows to look at her watch when taking blood pressure/ listening to your heart!

We ended the day with some shopping, dinner, and a frap!

Hope you had a fab fourth!
