Monday, February 20, 2017

Walker William - 10 Months

Since momma can't post anything on time...

Last Friday, we celebrated our handsome boy turn 10 months!

Happy 10 months sweet boy!
Shewwww it was a rough one this month! We have been dealing with fevers, strep, and rashes the last couple weeks and this momma has aged about 5 years! Since we have been to the doctor 3 times in the last 2 weeks, I know just how much you weigh!
Just look at how handsome you are! You are the happiest baby and we can not get enough of your smiles and giggles. 
This boy loves him some selfies! One of his favorite things right now is my phone
He loves seeing himself in the black screen or the camera facing him. He is just like his sister. She loves her some selfies too!
Speaking of sissy... You love EVERYTHING about her! She loves you just as much. She treats you exactly like one her of babies! She loves on you, feeds you, tries to change your diaper, and wants you in her sight 24x7.
I love these two so much!
One thing is for sure... You want to be where she is all the time too! Playing in Brooke's room first thing in the morning has become one of my favorite routines! 
You definitely have your morning routine down. Up at 6am and WONT GO BACK TO SLEEP! Brooke calls for us somewhere between 7:30 and 8am, and we head up to get her! Since you just ate at 6, and B doesn't like breakfast until 9, we play until it is time to eat!
Your favorite thing in her room is the piano. Duh... because it makes a lot of noise!
You love to open and close any sort of door/drawer there is! I caught you pulling all of sissy's nicely folded baby stuff out of the cabinet!
Another favorite this month is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! You can hear the "Hot Dog" or "O'Toodles" song from a mile away and will do whatever it takes to find the TV!

Hi bubba!
Seriously... do you ever not smile?!?!
It is so contagious, and I pray you never lose that joy!
We had a super fun play date with one of our favorite friends. I love that these babes will grow up together!

These snuggles are the best, but I wish they were not sick snuggles!
Poor bubba! So glad for the Lord's healing and that we are OVER IT!
The other day I got you out of the bath, and spotted a curl! I had to take a picture for the record!
This is another favorite face of yours! You crunch and sniff through your nose and laugh. It is hilarious! You should probably stop soon though bc it appears you are already getting some wrinkles!
Loving his airplane from Gigi and Pawpaw!
This photo was worth documenting as well. I turned around for 1 second and somehow you manage to squeeze the entire pouch all over your high chair. I am glad you thought it was funny! I can already tell you aren't afraid to get dirty!
Sleepover night... Momma struggled!
The Lord new exactly what we needed... a sweet boy for ALL OF US to love on!
But let's be real... Brooke will barely let anyone but her love on him!
 Just a little comparison!
Here are a few more randoms:
Eating: You are nursing 4 times a day and we can hardly get those in! You are completely distracted by EVERYTHING so momma has to take you up to your room every time! You are starting to love solids!
Sleeping: 8p-6-7am
Diapers: size 4
Clothes: 12-18 month
Milestones/Firsts: You had a couple of firsts this month and momma really didn't like either. You got your first fever on Jan 29th, and had your first sleepover at Gigi and Pawpaw's on Feb 11th. I wouldn't let Brooke spend the night until she was 1 year old... but you know
We had a wedding and since you had been sick, we thought it was best for you to stay home! You had an absolute blast, so I guess you will be able to do it again!

Well bubba, we are gearing up for your first birthday party, lumberjack style! If you are not happy with the theme when reading this back, blame your dad! haha

Love you Walker William!


Monday, February 13, 2017

Strep and a Wedding...

My Oh My!
What a week we have had. Walk started with a fever on Sunday afternoon and it went down hill from there:( He woke up at 1am Monday morning screaming with a super high temperature. We couldn't get into the pediatrition so we spent 3 hours, 3 HOURS at Urgent Care. Poor Bubba got blood drawn, and x-rays of his hips bc it seemed like he was in pain. We left with them saying he had no infection and it must just be a virus. 
Momma was sad and bubba was super tired...
Fast forward to Tuesday morning... Walker woke up with another fever and this momma's instincts were kicking in! Sweet boy wouldn't even wake up.
 We got into the pediatrician and discovered he had strep.. WHAT?! 
Guess who else has it?
Thankfully our beautiful sweet girl did not get it!
 Finally feeling better after a few days on antibiotics!
 Love his sweet face:)
 The loved getting Valentines Day cards from Granny and Paw Paw!
 Saturday we dropped the kiddos off at mom and dad's and headed North for Kevin's cousins wedding! We were in dire need of some grease!
 I couldn't tell you the last time I wasn't holding a kid, and I had NO IDEA what to do with my hands! I guess they had to be all over this handsome man!
We needed this quality time together!
 Did I mention we were like glue that night?!
 This picture was for B. She asked for us to take a picture of the beautiful Bride so she could see her dress!
Love this family of mine!:) Missing our kiddos!
 This picture cracks me up...
 Sunday morning we headed to church to get our babies! I send my grandparents a picture of B and Walk every Sunday morning for them to see them "dressed up"... well, since we didn't have the kids, I sent them this photo instead!

We are all on the mend, so hopefully WE NEVER HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN!


Friday, February 3, 2017

Weekend Fun

So it has taken me all week to write this post! I have no idea why... other than 
Last Friday I enjoyed some one on one time with Brooke while bubba napped! She wanted to make a valentines card for daddy!
Saturday we slept in #yeahright and celebrated Lucy and Beau's birthday! These three girls are the sweetest!
Sunday picture for Granny and Pawpaw.
But seriously... they are still the cutest!
We have been telling B for a week now that we had a surprise for her after church Sunday. She has been wanting to watch Disney on Ice on my computer EVERYDAY, so Kevin and I thought she would love to actually go. 
As you can see on the way there she is PUMPED! lol
Brooke's favorite Disney princess right now is Belle, so a we brought the Belle dress and she twisted our arm for the $30 doll!
Brooke LOVED it, but she was very overwhelmed the entire time. The music was EXTREMELY loud, there were 76458594937 people there, there was a fire breathing dragon, and LOUD fireworks at the end, so she said she doesn't ever want to go back until she is bigger!
Favorite Disney princess #2... Ariel
Mommy and Daddy's favorite princess... Princess Brooke!:)
Me and my girl! I love the time I get to spend with just her. Kevin and I both thought she would crave one on one attention once Walker came because she has received our undivided attention 24x7 for 3 years. Boy were we WRONG! Don't get me wrong, she has her moments of asking me to put bubby down to play with her etc, but I can tell you that she was so upset Walker was not with us at Disney on Ice. She had a breakdown before we left that she didn't get to tell Walker goodbye, and she mentioned twice that she missed him and wish he was there because he would of loved it too. It melts this momma's heart to know how much she loves her brother! 
I took a few pictures of the show because 
#1 - for the blog... duh!
#2. Brooke constantly grabs my phone to look at pictures, so I thought she would like to see it again!
Frozen was definately the main event.

We also surprised Brooke with dinner with Kelly! We have missed her since she has moved out and thought since we were super close, we could meet her for dinner! 
Thanks Kelly Belly for the laughs!

We finally get a down weekend this weekend, so I hope you enjoy yours too!
