Friday, March 24, 2017

Walker William - 11 Months

Here we go again... another month older! I seriously think month 10 was a blur and month 12 will be here in no time.

You are becoming quite the charming little flirt! Always smiling, laughing, and talking. We can't even sit through a church service anymore with you because you are SO LOUD!
We can thank sissy for that! She knows a thing or two about being loud!

Speaking of sissy, you are so obsessed with climbing her chair, that granny and pawpaw had to give you your birthday present early!
You love visiting Gigi at her office! Think you are such a big boy sitting there!
Another current obsession of yours is this pink paci! OMG you found it in Brooke's babies diaper bag and have been sucking on it ever since! You love to rip it out of your mouth and put your thumb in the whole as if you are sucking on it too!
When she aggravates the snot out of you, I will show you these sweet pictures to remind you how sweet the two of you once were together!
Carhartt, because HELLO first birthday pics!
11 months you must of really found your likes... Under the side table is one of your favorite places to climb through. You know exactly what "No" means, but do not care!
This is the face of a little boy who has stood against her bath tub for MONTHS begging to get it, and finally WINS!
Can we get some more toys in there?
Mr. Independant doesn't need help getting his toys out anymore!
Sweet boy you love everything that makes noise, which includes scooting anything hard across the hardwood floor. A maraca and the hardwood, pretty LOUD combo!
A typical cold day around here. Bubba and books, Brooke and Belle!
A picture of disaster! Brooke woke up to a pee filled bed, she dropped her entire plate of eggs all over the floor, and mommy thought it would be a great morning to let you feed yourself...
You had yogurt slung EVERYWHERE and eggs all over the floor!
Story time is another favorite of yours because you love books!
Breakfast with Daddy rounds out month 11! 
Someone hold me, my baby boy is growing up!

Clearly Brooke wasn't a fan of 11 months.. Here is the comparison anyways... 
and one more!!!!

Here are a few more randoms:
Eating: Momma's supply has gone WAY WAY down! You nurse 3 (maybe) times a day. You pretty much eat all table food, but I am still blending it because you only have 2 teeth! You also love water! We will be starting, or mixing with bmilk, whole milk next week!
Sleeping: 8p-6-7am
Diapers: size 4
Clothes: 12-18 months
Milestones/Firsts: You took your first bath in a big tub with sissy!
Spoiler alert---
Since I am a week late in posting, you are taking a good 5 steps! You can also stand all by yourself!

I believe you are really growing right now. Last week you were starting to only take 1 nap a day, but buddy you are LOVING going back to 2 naps! Between eating like a machine, sleeping like a champ, and taking a few steps, you are growing like a weed!

We just took your bday pictures today, and I can not wait to see how they turned out!
You also got cake!:)

Love you Walker William!


Friday, March 10, 2017

Life Lately... (My least favorite month)

I have dubbed February as my LEST favorite month... Good thing it is short! I have been on antibiotics since Feb 1st and have finally finished round 3! 
Thank you strep/flu/tonsillitis/crazy weather!

I did seem to capture a few fun times this month to share. 

But first...

Gosh, I am so darn excited! This momma would loose an hour of sleep anytime for some more daylight. Although these sweet kiddos of mine have been up WAY too early this week bc - hello sun at 6:30am!

Seriously, she is the cutest 3 year old I know! It makes me so sad and happy (goodbye threenager) that she is going to be four in 3 short months. 
Although this weather has been terrible, it has no idea what is it doing. 
70 in February calls for some vitamin D!

Bubba enjoyed some swing action too!
and if it is 70 degrees, you better believe we are headed for ICE CREAM!
Babe and I got out for a couples date night. 
We headed to Top Golf! Even though we waited 3 hours for two bays, we had the best time! 
Love these friends!
We also managed to sneak in our favorite Sunday morning pictures!
B begged to take a picture with me and her babies! 
My two!
My one... 
photo credit: Brooke
and another...
The only good day out of February was Valentine's Day. We love to bake at our house, so cookies and cupcakes for the win!

Kiddos got to spend some time with their favorite people... pawpaw
and Uncle Mark and K!
This almost 1 year old has my heart BIG!
Trying his Carhartt hat on for his pictures!
One of our favorite things to do on Saturday morning is go to breakfast! 
Look how handsome my boys are!
Those boys can't complain too much either!:)
Brooke can now unlock my phone... It brings a smile to my face when I see these pictures pop up. She treats her babies exactly how I treat her and Walk. She even makes them pose!
Walker loves to stand next to the tub while Brooke bathes. He has tried to get in numerous times, so finally I let him. They had a ball, although not sure if it will happen again bc Brooke complained of 2 things:
1. The bath water was TOO COLD for her... she gets it from her mama
2. She wanted the water level higher! Sorry girl - bubba can't have it that high!

Shewww... I guess I did take more pictures than I thought! I love these ole boring days of nothing! Spending time with these babies (and their daddy) make for the best memories! We are itching for warm weather and a vacation!
