Saturday, September 23, 2017


Well... Yesterday was the first day of fall and it was 90 degrees! 
I am so ready for some crisp air, sweaters, and hot chocolate!

Even though the weather has been wonky, I decorated a little just to get us in the spirit. Maybe the weather will follow!

 Hobby Lobby score!

 Love, love, love how my mantel turned out! I scored the window at the Kirkland outlet for a great price and the wreath from R&R!

 The girls came over for a scarf exchange the night I took the pictures!
Love them!

These decorations will be up until Black Friday when the Christmas tree goes up!


Friday, September 8, 2017

First Day of School - 2017

Whoo it's Friday is all I have to say!!!

Brooke's first day of school was Wednesday! 
Kevin came home from work early so we could both take her! 
The day had come whether she was ready or not!
We have been talking about school for weeks and weeks now trying to prepare her, but Tuesday night she decided that she WAS NOT going to school. It was a fight to get her to bed, kicking, screaming, not wanting to get into her bed and so on...
We woke up, ate breakfast, took a bath, ate lunch, took pics and headed out the door. She had no problem whatsoever that morning!

Look how big she looks!

Bubba wanted to go too!
Perfect first day of school weather!
She was so excited to hang her backpack up!
Brooke marched right into her classroom, and then we took a turn for the worse!
I had a feeling she would cry at some point because she has never been dropped off somewhere where she doesn't know anyone. She picked her name off the wall, washed her hands, and checked on her babies that she played with at meet the teacher night. I told her to have a great day and mommy and daddy would be back to pick her up. That is when she LOST IT!
Seriously it was heartbreaking...
The teacher asked me to leave so I kept my composure until I got to the car and then I LOST IT! 
I felt terrible for her. I knew she would have a blast, but I still was sad. 
Three hours later she came out with a smile on her face saying
"Mom and Dad, school was awesome today!"
 We talked about her day and took her to get ice cream!
Well... Thursday's Gigi drops her off! She was so excited to show Gigi her classroom and everything about school. When my mom said goodbye, Brooke lost it again... she was screaming GIGI, DONT GO! Mom called me crying! 
Geesh.... it breaks our heart!

I thought for sure she would be fine today, but nope... she cried, MOMMA DONT LEAVE ME!
She is so excited up to the point of us saying goodbye. I could start crying again just thinking about her being sad. I have received 2 texts from a friend who dropped her son off after we were there and she said that Brooke was happy and playing!
She says she loves school, but loves being home with mommy more!

Hopefully this passes soon because this momma's heart can't take it much more!

Time to go get my girl!


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Labor Day At The Lake

Friday afternoon we left for our last weekend at the lake this year. It was a toss up all week if we were going to go (because hurricane Harvey brought lots of rain), but the kiddos were excited, so we went for it!
It was seriously the worst drive we have ever had. Thankfully the kids were amazing, but it seriously POURED the entire way. A 4.5hr drive took us about 6 and we didn't even stop! 
Walker fell asleep for maybe 45 min! AHH
Brooke asked if we were there 495895769 times!
Lola wouldn't lay in her bed!
We were stopped in a traffic jam for at least 20min each hour!
and the Burger King we picked up for dinner was gross!
Buttttttt..... We made it safe and sound!  
 Walker tried to stay up for the rest of the family to get there, but shut eye got the best of him!
 Guess who was up first Saturday morning!
and he got himself in the pantry and pulled out the powdered donuts!
 Miss Thing did too!
 By the time the rest of the crew woke up, B and Walk ate a second breakfast!
 Then somehow they ended up with my phone!
 It rained Saturday and was super cold so we decided to head to the outlets!
Here we go!
 They were bribed with Starbucks Vanilla Bean Fraps if they were good at Old Navy!
 We were a little soaked!
Love this guy!

 My girl!
 As if walking around the outlets (in the rain) wasn't enough, we went to the Island to walk around!
 Early dinner with the crew!
 Mark and Katelin got B a Build-A-Bear gift card for her birthday, so she got to use it!
 We came home with Shimmer - her new pony!

 Sunday morning was cold so we snuggled on the couch for some cartoons and a story session.
 Then we headed out to the lake when the weather warmed up!
 I totally thought we left Walker's life jacket at the condo, but I left it at home!
He had to wear Brooke's old one
 You can rock pink though! Handsome boy!

 The tribe!
 I asked Kevin to take a picture, and this is what I got!
 We ended the night with trot a little horsey with Gigi!
 We woke up Monday morning to head home! Thankfully there was not a drop of rain, we made it home in 5 hours, and Lola stayed in her bed!

It was great to get away one last time before school starts.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Sunflower Pictures

I am so so excited because as I type, it is 60 degrees outside! Give me all the cozy blankets and pumpkin cinnamon smells! I am ready for fall!

How stinking cute are these?!?! 
I don't think I need to rant about how beautiful these flowers are as I did a couple times in my last post, so let me rant over my beautiful kiddos!

 Seriously... my world!

 Model status!

 Walker man is just the most handsome thing!
 He is constantly saying "Moo", so I am sure that is what he is doing here!

 Uncle Mark was blowing bubbles to get them to smile!
 This one will be on my mantel next week as soon as I get the fall decor out!

 My boy!
 Quick shot before heading back to the car

Thank you Katelin for taking these precious photos! 
I guess we will keep you around!;)
