Saturday, February 24, 2018

Catching Up

In scrolling through my phone, there are too many cute pics not to share!
Here is what life has looked like the past couple of weeks!

They are both obsessed with coloring. Why I let them do it on the couch is a good question!
 Morning cartoons in our bed is also a must for these two! Walker loves to "brush teeth".
 And eat Nutella like his momma!

 They make their notes during church.
 We split a cow between my parents, and seriously we have room for NOTHING else besides meat!
 Brooke had her first Valentine's Day party and she wrote her name on all of them!

 Eating her snack.
 Love being able to be there for my baby girl's parties!
Brooke made me a love bug at school!
 Just an FYI --- not a good idea to shop for a mattress with kids...
 My babes on Sunday.
 Happy Valentine's Day to my sweets!
Daddy and Walker picked up flowers for Sissy...
and Mommy!
We love them so much!
 Future sound guy!
 Granny and Pawpaw sent them money for Valentine's Day, so we had to go shopping!
Walk is quite the musical man!
 His cheese face! haha
 Daddy got a smoker for Christmas and he has been killing it!!!
The meat turns out AMAZING!
 soon she will be 5, and I may or may not be having a hard time with it!
 Popcorn and BBQ chips for lunch!
 ...and he will be 2 in two months... I may be struggling with this one growing up too!

Well... thats what life has looked like at the Garman's!


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Love Day

Happy Valentines Day!!

Our photographer did these cute photos a couple weeks ago! 

Love them so much!!

and I can't forget about my all time favorite valentine!
I love you babe! Thank you for this wonderful life:)


Friday, February 2, 2018

Swim Lessons!

Well.. I bit the bullet and put the kiddos in swim lessons for a few months.
Brooke swims like a champ with her puddle jumper, but is scared to death to take it off. Since we have a couple of vacations lined up for this year, I wanted to get her ready. She can do anything she puts her mind too, but she needs to build up her confidence.

When they called her name, she started crying just a little bit so I walked in the pool area and sat down beside her for about 5 minutes.
I get back to the seating area and turn around and see this!
I was so proud of her!

Then it was Walker's turn. I have to be in the pool with him until he is 2.5 years old, so he pretty much spider monkey-ed me the entire time!
I take the blame 100% on my kids not liking the water. I HATE giving baths... I will do anything for my kids without even thinking, but for some reason I despise giving baths.
Meanwhile, Sis is killing the back float!


and sweet girl got a ribbon for doing so good!

We have missed week 2 & 3 due to the flu, strep, walking pneumonia, and a double ear infection. We will be back in business next week!

Have a great weekend!

