Walker William is 4 months today (8.17.16)
We had your 4 month check up, and here are your measurements!
Weight: 16lbs 6oz (90%)
Height: 26 3/4" (95%)
Head: 17 1/4"(90%)
Fact: Brooke was 16lbs 7oz at 9 months
Pretty much the doctor said we needed to get that Goalrilla hoop outside NOW!
Fact: Brooke was 16lbs 7oz at 9 months
Pretty much the doctor said we needed to get that Goalrilla hoop outside NOW!
This was a big month for our bubba! It seems like you are so advanced already, and I feel like I don't have an infant anymore #timeforbaby3 #justkidding You experienced two big firsts this month and I am so proud of you. Rolling over and your first road trip!
Show off!
These are a couple of my favorite photos from this month. Your favorite thing to do (other than cuddle with mommy) is being with your sissy. Cartoons, blankie, and thumb in mommy and daddy's bed!
You tried out the bumbo, but your thighs are a bit chunky, so you are not digging it!
We enjoyed walks and a couple playdates this month!
Natalie and Walker are 11 days apart, and Walker and Mae are 3 months apart!
First vacation was a total success. You were wonderful! The boat put you right to sleep!
You have been rolling to your side for a few weeks, so I knew it was only a matter of time you rolled all the way over! GO BUBBA!
You are an incredibly happy baby just like your sissy was and is. You constantly smile, laugh, and coo. You have completely stole our hearts and we couldn't be more blessed with such a perfect baby boy! You are happiest in the morning... like 6am... we enjoy some play time, well daddy seems to be a little tired!
#toomanycuteones #handeater #legscrossed
Comparison photo
Here are a few more randoms:
Eating: nursing, about 5 times a day
Sleeping: You were doing so great up until this last week. I am not sure if it is the 4 month sleep regression, but hopefully you make a turn soon! You were sleeping from 8:30p-6a every night. A week ago you have been waking up between 3a & 5a...AHH this momma is TIRED! Naps are never on schedule. #secondchildproblems
Diapers: size 2
Clothes: 6 months
Milestones/Firsts: You talk non-stop, well, when your sister isn't talking, and your cooing and happiness is so cute! Your biggest milestone this month was rolling over! Yay bubba! You rolled over on August 9th at Gigi's house after mommy got there to pick you up! Your sissy was so proud of you! You have been soaking all of your clothes with drool, so I am sure I will be documenting a tooth in the next couple months.
You are loved more than you could ever imagine bubba! Bring on month 5:)
You are loved more than you could ever imagine bubba! Bring on month 5:)
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