Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Walker William - 5 Months

Walker William is 5 months (9.17.16)

No check up this month, but you are getting heavy! I can barely carry you in the car seat anymore!

This month has been so much fun! Your current favorite things to do are:
grab and suck your toes, suck your thumb, laugh/coo/smile, and watch your sissy's every move.
Oh, and I can't forget cuddling with momma!

Happy boy is an understatement!

Playing with sissy. Poor guy, I don't think you will ever play with a "new" toy, B always gets to it first, even if it is a boy toy!

Toes for days...

You are also starting to love your jumper-roo! You can't touch the ground yet, so we put a blanket under your feet, but you spin around and hit all the toys to make noise.

All aboard the choo choo train...

Yay for sitting up by yourself!

Oh sweet boy, you have my heart:)

I mean seriously.. you are obsessed with being snuggled up with Brooke and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! #ihopetheyarethiscloseforever

Brooke, I can't tell you how proud of you I am. You constantly tell Bubba how much you love him, and you won't let him leave your sight! You are the best big sister ever!
#seriouslylookhowhappytheyare #proudmommarighthere

No denying this momma's boy!:)

You are the sweetest Walker William! We love you so, so much!

Here are a few more randoms:
Eating: nursing, still about 5 times a day. You are eyeing our food HARDCORE, so I think we will be trying some food sooner rather than later!
Sleeping: 8p-5 or 6a
Diapers: finishing up size 2 and headed to size 3
Clothes: 6-9 months
Milestones/Firsts: you can now roll back over, and can sit up by yourself

Another fun comparison!

You can check out his 4 month post here
                                        3 month post here
                                        2 month post here

Friday, September 16, 2016

Phone Randoms

We have tried to soak up the rest of summer the best we can! It has been hot!, but the last week has been amazing! #bringonthefall
Thought I would share some random pictures from my phone!
These two!
Sunday Best
The doctor gave B a Barbie for doing good! #wonderhowmuchmorethebillwillbe
Thursday night was absolutely beautiful outside, so we packed dinner and headed to the park!
Walker man took our selfie
Then Brooke took a stab at it!
Bubba and mommy
The joy this girl has makes me smile BIG!:)
Walker's face CRACKS.ME.UP!
He is not sure of Brooke's antics!
Happy Friday y'all!


Friday, September 9, 2016

Labor Day Weekend

Once again we packed up and headed to the lake for the long weekend! Brace yourself, there are a slew of pictures coming!!!
I mean how beautiful is it? The kiddos and I packed up and headed out early Friday morning with Granny, Paw Paw, and Uncle Mark.
First stop, McDonalds. Requested by Granny and B. Blurry picture, but you get the idea!
Almost there, but we needed to stop for a quick potty break and some snacks. Kevin came down with my parents after work.
Just me and my girl. #arielisstillherfavorite
Walker is seriously the HAPPIEST baby on the planet (especially in the mornings) so Kevin, Walk and I headed out for a walk bc he would not be quiet! #mustgetitfromsissy
Saturday we headed out on the lake. Here we go! I can't imagine life without these crazies!
Walker got lots of loving on the boat.
The sound of the boat motor gets them every time.
The boys did a little wakeboarding.
Like mother, like daughter...
Aren't Granny and Paw Paw the cutest?!?!
Brooke's job on the boat was to collect everyones shoes and put them under the seat. She rocked it!
After a long day in the sun, we headed out for some Mexican!
My daddy.. goodness, he is one of a kind:)
Our attempt of a family photo.
Saturday ended with the best dessert! #hotnnows #ithinkBhad3ofthem
Sunday morning lovin... These two seriously have my heart and their love for each other already is amaz!
Breakfast on the balcony
We headed back out for round 2 and I took like 4 pictures! I sat in the sun with my babies and relaxed!
Two licorice for Uncle Bill Bo Bo
Love my boys #kwgwantedasnap
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...
Monday morning I headed out for a early walk with my handsome babe, packed up, and hit the pool before we headed home!
Walker's first time in the pool!
We had a great weekend, and hope you did too!
