Monday, October 31, 2016

Pumpkin Patch

Happy Halloween!:)
How is it already the end of October? Seriously.... bring on the Holidays!
What is fall without some pumpkin picking?!?
Last week we headed to one of our favorite farms. This was a first for Walker, so Brooke picked him out the cutest little pumpkin!

This was the best family photo we got... Brooke has been in one those "don't take my picture" moods lately... but she is constantly looking at pictures of herself on my phone and gets upset when she is not in them!
#abloggersnightmare #walkerwaskillingit
I am seeing a trend!
Handsome farmer:)
Bubba and I
My babies!
Ok, she gave me one smile! I must of said "daddy farted" or something
My big pumpkin!
We munched on caramel apples and apple cider slushies before heading back home to paint our pumpkins.

That smiley girl is ready for some trick or treating tonight!
#pleasedontbecold #chiliinthecrockpot


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