Monday, January 23, 2017

Walker William - 9 Months

Last week we celebrated 9 months...
9 months ago you changed our lives sweet boy! I just can't believe that I am already planning your first birthday party! Yes, you have a crazy momma that goes all out for birthday parties and start planning months in advance! Maybe by the time you are reading this, I have started a party planning business!
We love the 9 month check up because...
Weight: 20lbs 11oz (75%)
Height: 29" (75-90%)
Head:  18 3/4"(95%)
Walker pulls himself up on anything and everything. Although he does a great job at furniture surfing, he crawls so fast that I am not sure he has any desire to walk at this point!
Walker enjoyed his first Christmas! 
He was more than thankful for all his new toys as he has been playing with pink things for the last 8 months!
My two handsomes! Walker is the biggest mommy's boy, but he reaches for Kevin once and a while! lol I couldn't resist this picture! 
Watch out world! He loves being pushed around in this car. We chase Brooke and he just laughs!
I could not of asked for a better sister for Walker. She has replaced me as mom and does a pretty darn good job! She is constantly checking on him, playing with him, and tells him everything is going to be ok when he is crying. Just look at the way he looks at her! This momma's heart melts!
Walker still only eats pouches, but he is the King of puffs!
Walker is really into Lola and will look for her if you say "Where's Lola". Unfortunately if your name is not Kevin, Lola is not a fan!
I love this boy more than I could of ever imagined!
Milkshake at 9 months?!? Sure! Sorry Brooke, I would of NEVER let you have this at 9 months!
He is too cute for words!
Walker cut 2 teeth this month and this is the face I got every time I tried to take a picture of them!
Brooke's monitor sat on the top of her crib everyday until she got her big girl bed... fast forward to 3 years later, Walker can spot this monitor wherever I put it! He know exactly what is it and will laugh when I say "NO WALKER"! We have resorted to putting it on top of his basketball hoop - out of reach!
I can already tell Walker is going to be a hard worker! He learns from the best!

Here are a few more randoms:
Eating: Now that you are eating more solid food, I am only nursing you 4 times a day. When you wake up, noon, 4pm, and again at 8pm. You are continuing your high maintenance self and prefer pouches. You love yogurt, and puffs!
Sleeping: 8p-6-7am
Diapers: last box of size 3 before moving up to 4
Clothes: 12-18 month
Milestones/Firsts: Another big month for our big boy! He cut his first tooth (bottom left) on Jan 2, and the bottom right on Jan 10th. You are furniture surfing, and are EVERYWHERE! We joke that we already need a leash for you! 

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