Tuesday, May 2, 2017

*Easter 2017*

Clearly I am playing catch up! It is May, but I am not too late as Easter was April 16th this year! We started the weekend before with an egg drop at church!

Then we came home that night to an "Egged" house. I mean seriously the cutest. We were left a note that said there were 12 eggs hidden in our yard, but one is empty bc the tomb is empty!!!! So we put Walker to bed and got the flashlight out so B could find the eggs! I love our neighborhood!

We woke up Easter morning praising the Lord that HE IS RISEN! 
Easter baskets for my loves!
Then my favorite Sunday picture to date! 

So handsome!
Absolutely beautiful!
These people are my absolute world! They make me SO happy!

They have a bond that warms my heart! As long as she loves mommy more than Gigi, I am ok with how close they are!!! lol
4 generations of love!
After church we headed to Grandpa Garman's house for an egg hunt and dinner!
Bubba knew exactly what to do!

Sissy bug was so fast I could hardly get her picture!

Some of the Garman great grand kiddos!

We had a great Easter, and I hope you did too!


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