This means I can start listening to Christmas music! ha
Today is all about Walk man... I am a couple weeks late, but better late than never! Walker was 18 months on the 17th of October!
I can't even believe how fast time is flying! Stay little my boy!
Here are your 18month stats!
Weight: 25pounds
Height: 33inches
You got the last of your shots for a few years! Yay!
You were so proud of yourself that you did SO good at your checkup!
Enjoying the last bit of the nice weather!
You love, love your daddy and think he is the funniest!
Paw Paw is one of your favorite people too! I am pretty sure you are one of his favorites too!
You experienced the beach these last few months too!
Popsicles are a favorite of yours! You run to the freezer and make this noise with your tongue on your lips and it is the sweetest thing ever!
These last few months you have done so great going to class at church! You walk in there like you own the place, and every volunteer adores you!
Cheese anything is your favorite!
Daddy has enjoyed so much teaching you all about ball! When he says "catch" you put your arms up! We are still working on the catching part!
You love playing with your friend Caleb!
I can never get enough snuggles from you sweet thing!
Big boy loving picking pumpkins!
A few things to note from these past 6 months:
I just can't even believe how big you are getting! You are in the toddler slim down phase, but seem to not get enough to eat!
You will say pretty much any word we tell you to say, you are just not putting words together yet.
Your favorite words are: Whoa (Lola), No-No, Sissy, Momma, dada, pawpaw, Gigi, and peassss (please)
You have learned how to shush us. If we are being loud while a show is on, you put your finger on your lips and shush us. It is hilarious!
Speaking of shows, you love T.V. way more than your sister did at this age. Your favorite shows are Mickey Mouse, Bubble Guppies, and Team Umizoomi!
You are the most precious boy and I thank God for blessing us with you!
I love you baby boy!
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