Friday, December 29, 2017

Christmas 2017!

Geesh Christmas came and went so fast and I can't believe it will be 2018 in just a few days!

Early morning look at the presents before...
They were ripped to shreds!
Working just like daddy!
I foresee lots of late night movies!
His sleeping bag and guitar is all he needed!
All B wanted was a wet brush! haha
Walker man being silly during our family selfie!
Kitchen... ALL.DAY.LONG!
Thank you Uncle Chad and Aunt Beth for completing his musical instrument collection!
We spent all morning playing and then headed to Uncle Bill Bo Bo's house for a late lunch and some more presents...
Calm before the chaos. Kevin loves that I take 487320385 pictures per day!

Bubba got a grill, so daddy put it together so the rest of us could open our presents in peace

Brooke got her baby CeCe doll!
and I have me one hunk of a guy!;)
He always wants to put Brooke's backpack on, so now he has one for himself!
This is the best we could get!

and we ended the night with some Christmas stick on nails!

I hope you had the best Christmas with your families. We had a great time and the first thing Brooke said when she woke up on the 26th was, how many days until Christmas?!?!?
A whole year sweet girl!

Now I am off to purge my ENTIRE HOUSE!


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