Thursday, September 13, 2018

First Day of Kids Morning Out - 2018

Last year, Walker cried everyday when we dropped Brooke off at school. Not because he didn't want her to leave, but because he couldn't stay!
He is my social one. He loves his Sunday school class (Brooke still doesn't go), he will go to anyone, and he talks up a storm!
Brooke's preschool has something called a "Kids Morning Out" for 2-3year olds. I thought it would be great for Walker to go to this one morning a week. 
Wednesday was his first day! 
Look how stinking handsome this boy is!!! How did we get so blessed?! 
He had ZERO desire to wake up and get ready. I usually get Brooke up and ready and get Walker out of bed and go.
Not only did he have to get ready, but we had to get pictures too!

We dropped Brooke off at school at 8:15am and headed to Walker's school and sat in the car and cuddled until his school started at 8:45am.

We were one of the first ones in the class and his teacher picked him up and shew-d me away. 
I was so so sad because I didn't get to say goodbye. I knew he wouldn't cry, but I wanted to at least hug and kiss him and tell him I would be back soon.
Anyways... I called my mom crying, went to Hobby Lobby #allbetter, and enjoyed my free morning!
Next week this momma is scheduling a massage!!! 

He had such a great day and said "Let's go get Sissy", as soon as I picked him up!

Love my big boy!


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