Monday, December 10, 2018

DISNEY Day 3&4

Day 3 and we were excited to hit up Disney Springs!
We walked around a bit and had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe!

Walker is so into Toy Story right now and I told the kiddos they could each pic out a souveniour to take home. My mom had already gotten a big Buzz for him for Christmas so we tried EVERYTHING to pry this toy from Walk.. poor guy! He will be happy at Christmas though!
Legos.. all day longgg

Totally her thing!
And Walker couldn't be more excited!
Notice the toys he opted for!
While Walker slept, we ate snacks!
and he got his in the car on the way home!
It was a bit chilly when we got back, but Brooke insisted on swimming!
The sweetest picture!
They love him BIG!

We got cleaned up and headed to TGIFriday's for dinner and it was DELICIOUS!
Begging KWG to get here bc I HAD NO ROOM TO SLEEP!
This is exactly why we DO NOT let kiddos in our bed!
I enjoy my sleep!
But they are so darn precious!

Day 4 and we headed to the pool for a bit. Brooke was acting super weird and I could tell it wasn't going to be good.  She started her croup cough and spiked a fever pretty quickly.
We stayed in all day and this is the only pic I took.

Stay tuned! Next up...


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