Monday, June 27, 2016

Weekend Recap - Country Fest Edition

It was an absolutely beautiful (AND HOT) weekend.
We took B to her very first theater movie! Finding Dory. She was so so excited to go with mommy and daddy and get popcorn and pop juice (Sprite).

I have not been to a movie in ages! The new seats are amazing! They recline, and so comfy! Justifies the outrageous ticket price! #notreally

We love getting some one on one time with our girl. I was so proud of her. She cuddled close to us and watched the whole movie!

Saturday was filled with a whole lotta Garman fun!!! We headed north to Country Fest it up!
Brooke was so excited to ride rides with Lucy, when when the time came, she chickened out! I rode the merry-go-round with her (in the sled) and that is about all she did!

After we got off, she said "that was so much fun"! #thereisalwaysnextyear

Brooke and Lucy were ALWAYS holding hands. It is so cute seeing them together!

It was extremely hot outside, so we cooled down with milkshakes!

Bubba pretty much did this all afternoon! #bestbabybroever

My two favorite girls.

Grandma and grandpa with their 4 grandbabies! I love this picture!

My handsome hubby!

We HAD to cool off a bit, so we walked back to grandma and grandpa's house. Brooke and Lucy decided to do this...

Just some reading with Beau Beau

We went back out for round 2! Eating and the petting zoo!

I would say it was a good day!


Friday, June 24, 2016

Friday Favorites!!


Life with these two are my FAVORITE


My new FAVORITE canvas' came in this week! Now to get Kevin to hang them!


My grandma keeps telling me my legs are ghostly, so she gave me these tan towels! I should of taken a before and after picture, but ya know, the kiddos probably needed attention. These will definitely be a FAVORITE in the winter too!


Kevin is into this beard/shadow look and he is obsessed with this beard cream stuff. I though I would add one of his FAVORITES!


Last but not least, we had crazy bad weather this week and found ourselves in the basement at 3am... This was NOT a FAVORITE as we were all up pretty much the rest of the night!

Happy FRI-YAY!


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The BUG!

OMG... So the stomach bug has made it's way through our whole family. It started with B being sick 2 Saturday nights ago. My mom and I were blessed with it Friday night, Kevin and my dad Sunday night, and my Aunt and Uncle Monday night. I mean, this was the most contagious virus I have ever had the pleasure of being apart of. Since I do not have much to blog about, I thought these ecards were funny! I will be back on Friday with some of my Friday Favorites!

Image result for funny ecards about everyone being sick

True this for all the mommas! but we don't have time to be sick!

Image result for funny ecards about everyone being sick

or family get togethers! ha

Image result for funny ecards about everyone being sick

That was the case for most of us except the two babies of the family (ahem Kevin and Terri:)

Image result for funny ecards about everyone being sick

I so would of milked it if we didn't have kiddos!

Happy Hump Day!


Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Anniversary Babe!

June 19, 2016 marked 6 years of wedded bliss!

This year has been full of many memories. We started year six with a surprise Bahama cruise from the hubby!

In July, we moved into house #2!

In August, we found out baby #2 was on the way! #wedidntwasteanytime

We enjoyed the holidays with a bit of adult time.

We had one last date before we became a family of four!

In April, we became a family of four!

Two kiddos have kept us on our toes for the last couple of months, and the stomach bug got the best of us this weekend, so hopefully we can celebrate our anniversary soon!

Kevin, thank you for being such a godly, loving, caring husband and father! I don't know what I would do without you! You inspire me to be a better wife and mother. I love you more and more everyday and am looking forward to 50+ more years.

Happy 34th Anniversary to my wonderful parents! Thank you for letting us share this special date with you!

Yesterday was also Father's Day. Thank you to these two men as they are the best father's anyone could ask for!


Saturday, June 18, 2016

Walker William - 2 Months

Walker William was two months yesterday (6.17.16), but I was struck with the flu, so here is the update!

We had your 2 month check up, and here are your measurements!
Weight: 13lbs 13oz (90-95%)
Height: 24" (75-90%)
Head: 16 3/8 (50-75%)

Big sis had her 3 year check up too! She weighed 31lbs (50%) and was 39inches tall (95%)! We breed tall babies!

Our favorite thing about this month are your smiles! You love being talked to and coo like crazy!

You love bath time

and swinging in your swing (with the music on)

I could seriously watch you sleep You have the most precious, handsome face that I have ever seen. And your lips are to die for!

#sleepingpicsoverload #sorrynotsorry

Your sissy gave you your first bottle at 6 weeks old. You didn't want to take the first time we tried, but a few days later, you did! Thank goodness because this momma was scared she was going to have to quit work!

I cant believe how much you have grown this month! Your head control is great, and you are sitting up on the couch like a big boy!

Here are a few more randoms:

Eating: nursing
Sleeping: You are swaddled and lay on your side in a pack and play by our bed. You usually only wake up one time between 3am-4am! You wake up again about 6am or 7am. We do not have a routine down quite yet, but are working on putting you in your crib for naps and bedtime this next month.
Diapers: size 1
Clothes: mostly 3 months, but starting to wear 3-6 month jammies
Milestones/Firsts: smiling, cooing, and first bottle 
You are currently a paci baby, but are trying so very hard to find your thumb. The day after sissy's 2 month, she found her thumb too!

And just for fun, since I started blogging after his 1st month, here is his 1 month picture!

We love you sweet boy!
