Monday, June 6, 2016

Weekend Recap

Why do weekends go by so fast? Even though it rained ALL DAY Saturday, we made up for it on Friday and Sunday.

A playdate with Brooke and Cruz was long overdue, so we went to hang at the Stusek's Friday afternoon.
In true boyfriend fashion, Cruz pumped and paid for Brooke's gas!

Friday night was sweet Lily's first birthday party! We love this family so much and loved celebrating with them! Happy Birthday Lily!

Kiddos had a blast in the bouncy houses!

It rained, and rained, and stormed, and rained some more all day Saturday, so it consisted of...
"take our picture mom" - Brooke

Jumping in puddles

And a little bit of Mexican!

Our babies in their typical Sunday picture! Brooke is obsessed with her new flip flops. She says that she has to wear them everyday!

My guys

We ended our weekend celebrating our Pastor's 50th Birthday, and are excited to celebrate with our soon to be 3 year old this week too!


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