Monday, October 31, 2016

Pumpkin Patch

Happy Halloween!:)
How is it already the end of October? Seriously.... bring on the Holidays!
What is fall without some pumpkin picking?!?
Last week we headed to one of our favorite farms. This was a first for Walker, so Brooke picked him out the cutest little pumpkin!

This was the best family photo we got... Brooke has been in one those "don't take my picture" moods lately... but she is constantly looking at pictures of herself on my phone and gets upset when she is not in them!
#abloggersnightmare #walkerwaskillingit
I am seeing a trend!
Handsome farmer:)
Bubba and I
My babies!
Ok, she gave me one smile! I must of said "daddy farted" or something
My big pumpkin!
We munched on caramel apples and apple cider slushies before heading back home to paint our pumpkins.

That smiley girl is ready for some trick or treating tonight!
#pleasedontbecold #chiliinthecrockpot


Monday, October 24, 2016

Walker William - 6 Months

Shewww this momma is tired! We just got back from a week in Disney/beach and I am beat! More on our trip later this week, but last Monday we celebrated bubba's half birthday! He had his 6 month check up, and here is how he is stacking up!
Weight: 18lbs 11oz (75%)
Height: 28" (90-95%)
Head:  18 1/4"(95%)

Lots of firsts this month! We will start with food... Haha we are 0-4 in the food category! Maybe we will have more luck with fruit.
 #boobiesforthewin #typicalmale
Check out these faces! We started with green beans, but since that was his first taste, I have a video instead of a picture.
Avocado face

Sweet potato face

Sweet potato try #2

Butternut squash face

Ok- lets talk about some things that made you smile this month!
Story time at the library makes both of them happy!
See ya later car seat! This big boy was ready for vacation!

Sporting his flight wings on his first flight on October 8th!

Pluto made you happy!

and early morning walks with your momma!

You have mastered the army crawl, and have now started the rocking on all fours! I am sure we will have a crawler by month 7.

Just a few more pictures I can't help but share!
I mean... can't.even.handle

Here are a few more randoms:
You drool like you should of cut teeth a couple months ago, you know your name, and your best friend is still Brooke!
Eating: nursing, still about 5 times a day. We continue to try your baby food, but no luck yet!
Sleeping: 8p-5a or 6a
Diapers: Size 3
Clothes: 9 months
Milestones/Firsts: Lot of firsts this month- food, plane ride, beach trip, DISNEY, army crawling and up on all fours ready to crawl!

and because I like to see the comparison...

We had such a fun month with you sweet boy! Here we go month 7... Should I dare say I need to start planning your first birthday?!?!


Monday, October 3, 2016

A Sneak Peek!

We had family pictures with Kevin's family last week and they turned out SO good! Here is a sneak peek! The rest will come after Christmas cards are out!

Happy Monday!
