Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Walker William - 7 Months

Walker William is 7 months old! (11.17.16)
How is this possible! You are becoming quite the charmer and are an absolute joy!
No check up this month, but I am guessing you are about 20lbs!

So what happened this month... let's see...
We enjoyed pumpkin picking and Halloween.

You are crawling EVERYWHERE! This momma can't keep up!

You are also pulling yourself up on furniture, your sister's toys, and your crib. We have had to lower your crib all the way to the bottom this month. You have mastered how to stand, but cry because you can not get down!

You also are always awake early in the morning and it is nearly impossible to get ready with you on the move. Mommy and Daddy wised up!

Wrestling with your sister has also already started.

These two absolutely adore you!

You have also learned how to patty cake/clap your hands!

You have become very interested in toys this month, and while the majority around here are pink...

you are ALL BOY!

I can't believe how big you are getting! This carseat may not last us as long with you!

So Walker totally looks like me right?!?

He still resembles his sister too!

Here are a few more randoms:
You have become a momma's boy really, really bad! When I walk out of the room, you cry/whine, and when you see me you reach your hands and whine until I get you!
#stinkerpot #secretlylovingit
Eating: nursing, still about 5 times a day. You like peaches, bananas, pears, and puffs. We tried green beans again and you actually threw up! AHH!
Sleeping: You usually take 2 naps during the day and consistently go down between 7:30-8pm. For the last week, you have been waking up 1-2 times and cry until we come get you! Hopefully this is short lived because momma is TIRED!
Diapers: Size 3
Clothes: some 9 months, but 12 months fit great too!
Milestones/Firsts: You started crawling on November 5, 2016! You can pull yourself up, and are extremely close to couch surfing. Lastly... how can I forget, you say "dada"... I say "momma" 24-7, but you don't care!

We love you more than you will ever know baby boy!


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