Friday, December 30, 2016

2016 Recap

I started blogging in May, but wanted to capture a snapshot of our year! Kevin and I both agreed on our top three!
1. Walker being born
2. Brooke finally getting potty trained
3. Our trip to Disney World

This year was full of the best memories and the worst memories! After Walker was born, we landed in Urgent Care twice and the ER once for Brooke. She has had major issues with potting that had aged me about 10 years! We are beyond thankful that Brooke was healed and she has not had a single issue since!

In January we moved Brooke into from her crib to a big girl bed, and spent lots of time preparing for little brother!

In February, we took Brooke on a special overnight getaway for one last hooray before Walker!

In March we celebrated Easter and got to see a 4D picture of our little man!

Shewwww.. April was the biggest month by far!
My dad rang in year 60 with a surprise party!
Our Walker William was born...
then 4 days later I turned 30!

In May we celebrated Mother's Day and really started enjoying our family of four!

Our sweet, sassy girl turned 3!
Celebrated 6 years with this guy...
and this boy started sucking his thumb!

We dedicated Walker to the Lord
Celebrated Independence Day with friends
and celebrated lots of birthdays!

We took Walker on his first road trip to the lake!

We headed back to the lake
and these two became inseparable.

We took a flight to the most magical place on earth!
and hung by the beach a couple of days
We ended the month trick or treating with these two cuties!

We enjoyed Thanksgiving with family, and this little one got potty trained!!

In December we soaked up as much Christmas as possible all while celebrating the true meaning of Christmas, Jesus Christ!

Well... goodbye 2016! I am ready for 2017!

See ya next year!


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