Friday, April 13, 2018

Spring Break Part 1!!!

We just got back on Wednesday from a fun week in Florida!
Our flight was at 6:30am last Wednesday, and the airport is a good hour plus from our house. We woke up at 3:30am and were on the road at 4am! I think I am still recovering from that early wake up call! ha

Here we are waiting for Daddy to get the rental car! Excited for the sunshine!
Grandma and Grandpa's condo is an hour away from the airport in FL, so it did not take long for the kiddos to get their first nap in!
We ate lunch and immediately went to the pool! The water was probably 80 some degrees and it was cold when you got out!
So excited to be spending the week with my girl!
Thursday morning we woke up and had breakfast in the sun room.
and then headed to the beach for a few hours!
This is one of my favorite pictures from the week. Their bond is the sweetest (most of the time).
We were a little excited!
Bubba wasn't too sure about the sand for maybe 5 minutes...
and sis was loving every minute!
My two favorite guys!
yeah, that 5 minutes was a short 5 minutes. As soon as he saw sissy digging in, he did too.

This is the life!
Cracks me up!
We got cleaned up and headed to dinner on the water!
We call this place the "cat house" because they have a cat that walks around all the time. 
Friday we packed lunches and the whole crew headed to the beach. What a perfect day!

We walked up and down the beach on a sea shell hunt!
Heart melted...
In my happy place!
Granny and Paw Paw were such troopers!
Kevin thought he would share an ice cream with Walk.. ha... joke...yeah right!
Sis and Granny got snow cones!

I thought this vacation would wipe the kiddos out every night and they would sleep in... I WAS WRONG... Walker was up from 6a-7a every morning, so we had to hide in the front room until everyone else got up!
We stuck around the pool all day Saturday so little Miss could perfect her swim abilities for her swim coach!
Trying to get him to nap in his stroller at the pool.. ha, another Walker joke!
She was jumping off the side of the pool like a CHAMP! So proud of her!
Saturday night we headed out for another dinner. 
So Walkman is terrible when we go out to dinner. He will not sit in his seat. He is either running around, on my lap, or eating someone else's food. I hardly enjoy a meal. 
Brooke NEVER EVER EVER acted like this at restaurants.
I thought after night one, Granny and Pawpaw would agree that take out is the best option with this wild one, but NOPE, they live for dinner out! I sucked it up for a week and tried to also suck down my dinner as fast as possible!
...and pretty princess said "please take a picture of me"!
Of course I will baby girl!

Swing back by next week for part 2!


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