Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Walker William is TWO!!!

How has year 2 gone by so so fast??? 
Here is how you are stacking up!
Height: 36" (75-90%)
Weight: 28.2# (50%)
Head: 20 1/4 (95%) 
This explains why we can not find any hats to fit you!

You have grown up so much this past year. You are talking like a little man and repeat everything we say. 
You were not the biggest fan of the beach right after turning 1, but last week you LOVED IT!
You are a momma's boy 100%. You let Daddy read you a book, but the minute he turns the lights out to try to put you to bed, it is a scream fest! ha
So mommy to the rescue!
You have THE SWEETEST relationship with your sissy. You love her so much, hug her, kiss her, hold her hand (kinda), and play very well with her. You miss her when she is at school and love to get her up in the morning. 

I would have to say one of your favorite things to do it perform/play music (just like your sissy). You are constantly singing in a microphone and "rocking out" with your guitar. We are not very music savvy in this house, so I don't have high hopes for this love of singing to go much farther!! haha
You got your first haircut a couple months ago and your second one a couple weeks ago!
My babies just don't grow hair very fast!
Walkman, you eat ALL.THE.TIME. and still are the skinniest little guy! I constantly find you in the pantry (with the door closed) with some kind of cereal or cookies. Lola follows you around when you have a snack, so I am pretty sure you are hiding from her!
I just can't get over how handsome you are! 
You love to say "CHEESEEEEE"
Every time Daddy calls us while he is at work, you say, "Walker talk to Daddy"! and you get on the phone and say "Hi, Daddy", then give me the phone back. It is the cutest thing!
I don't even know where to begin with this picture... I will spare the details for when you read this in the years to come, but we have tried EVERYTHING to keep your hands out of your pants! lol Momma is tired of washing 4 outfits and sheet everyday. Here is to hoping you can't get to it with your jammies backwards!

Some more random fun facts:
Your favorite show is Bubble Guppies
You roar like a dinosaur moving your hands up and down until you get to us, then you tickle us. It is the cutest thing
You LOVE being outside.. seriously like scream when we have to come inside
You love to feed Lola
You hate swim lessons and refuse to close your mouth when trying to go under.

Walker, you are everything I prayed for in a little boy, and I pray that you continue to have that beautiful smile on your face!
I love you to the moon and back!


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